David Thomas

I retired and moved to Roxborough Park 20 years ago. Since then, I have served as treasurer on the Roxborough Park Foundation Board; Volunteer Naturalist at Roxborough State Park; Leader in the Colorado Mountain Club; CASA Volunteer; and President of the Roxborough Men’s Bridge Club.
More importantly, I was a member of the Board of the Roxborough Water and Sanatation Board for eight years, the last year as President. During my time on the board, we finalized the contract with Aurora for a permanent water supply for the district; built the new water treatment plant; negotiated win-win contacts with Sterling Ranch that saved RWSD, literally, millions of dollars and hired Barabra Biggs, an exceptional General Manager to replace a retiring Larry Moore.
As a RWSD resident, you expect clean drinking water to come out of your faucets and a sewer system that works 24/7, at a reasonable price. A board with experienced members, who know what they are doing, will help accomplish this goal.
I enjoyed my time on the Board. It felt good to give back to the community especially when we were accomplishing meaningful goals. So, I want to do it again! I would appreciate your vote.